Tuesday, October 10, 2006

NewsFlash: YouTube profile

I've been a little lax on postings lately because of a variety of things:
  1. We're doing the final edits on Episode 2 of muzikDEN (which took longer than expected for a number of reasons) - it'll be posted in the next week, though;
  2. I just received my new Mac Pro and had some difficulties - more about this and a rundown of the steps I take in setting up a new Mac in my next MacOnMacs post;
  3. and I still have to do my "day jobs" so I've got some money to finance the rest of these endeavours :-) .
In the meantime, though, I wanted to share with you a great article that a commandN viewer, Sid Yadav, has up on his rev2.org website. Sid has done a great 2000+ word profile on YouTube that has pretty much everything you'd want to know about the service.

Sorry for passing on the writing responsibilities to someone else for this post, but I needed to prioritize my efforts while still providing you, my dear readers, with some new info ;-). More soon!
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10/10/2006 12:07:00 p.m.  


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I wanted to comment that the video tips (3 Fs) on Command-N were great. I was also hoping to get you to include a little buying advice on video equipment for advanced amateurs. I'm looking to upgrade my current DV consumer camcorder with something that offers a little better picture quality but doesn't cramp the family videos. (It must be small, high quality and offer some feature that I can expand on)

I'm considering the $1000+ Canon HV10 2.7MP CMOS HDV Camcorder (munchin model) but am concerned about the ability to mount on a tripod, manual focus, low light and getting decent sound into it from some kind of external mic. (need advice) I'm hoping you can take a look at it and offer some tips for those of use wanting to improve on what we are currently doing.

Thanks again.

October 25, 2006 2:10 p.m.  
Blogger Jeff MacArthur said...

That's a great idea, Rich. We'll definitely look into that.

Thanks for watching,


December 05, 2006 11:48 p.m.  

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