commandN 80
Amber and Will talk about open Gmail, hi-res Skype, OpenID with AOL, and more. Jeff brings you some blogging tips.

2/19/2007 09:57:00 a.m.
Jeff MacArthur is producer and co-host of the commandN vidcast, president of the production house, and an accomplished musician and composer.
Great tips for bloggers Jeff.
Also, I noticed the audio seems to be recorded high in this episode, but most of the video was exceptionally crisp. (particularly the beginning of your sections with the balanced lighting and excellent choice of backgrounds) I'd really like to know the setting you use when encoding? (maybe it has more to do with the quality of the raw footage?) Just an amateur here, but wanting to improve what I monkey around with. Thanks.
Lord, BlipTV looks awesome!!!
Can I grab that to put on my blog? Sweet!!!
RICH: The quality of the raw footage is certainly important. My footage gets a little washed out as it nears the end b/c the external light changed considerably. Here's our main format output from Final Cut export (as far as I remember)...
File->Export->Using QuickTime Conversion
Format->QuickTime Movie
Use-> Boradband-High
Compression Type: H.264
Frame Rate: Current
Key Frames: Automatic
Frame Reordering: (check)
Data Rate: Automatic
Quality: Medium
Encoding: Faster Encode (single pass)
Format: AAC
Channels: Stero
Rate: 44.1 kHz
Render Settings->Quality: Better
AAC Encoder Settings: Target Bit Rate 128kbps
Prepare for Internet Streaming: (check)
...those may not be the best for everything, and we do change these from time to time, but that should give you a start.
AMBER: Yeah, does very good quality Flash encoding - I'd recommend them to anyone.
Thanks Jeff. I've noticed that no matter what I send to youtube that the quality isn't as good as many others. (even though my .mov files look fine and higher quality) Someone told me that the DIVX codec is better for youtube ... so I tried it, yet suspect that they treat different content providers differently OR perhaps depends on transcoding server loads?
As for your settings, I'm going to give them a try for the next project and see if does a better job. Thanks again for the feedback.
Also, I really do like the Sage firefox add-on for RSS feeds. I have yours on Sage and Amber's on the LiveBookmark in Firefox ... I just like Sage better since it bolds the feed when there is something new. (and its always in my sidebar)
Thanks again.
Hi Rich,
Don't forget that YouTube is re-encoding your .mov files into Flash format and that is likely what is destroying the quality, as they're getting recompressed. will do a better job AND will let you host the original .mov (or other file) there as well!
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