Friday, September 07, 2007

webFed: Shining trailer (the Shining spoof)

Since I haven't seen this before (despite it being online for over a year :-) ), I thought I'd share it with all of you. It's basically a spoofed trailer for "the Shining" with Jack Nicholson that's done in some kind of redeeming family flick style. Pretty funny :-) ...

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9/07/2007 08:50:00 a.m.  

Thursday, September 06, 2007

newsFlash: New iPods and the iTunes Wi-Fi Store

I kinda nailed the prediction for a new iPod that is almost exactly an iPhone minus the phone (and email), but I never got the chance to put my prediction in print first :-) .
So, in light of missing that opportunity, I am announcing here my prediction that the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store that's now on the new iPod touch and the iPhone (or at least will be within the next few weeks) will be quickly migrated over to satisfy the same need on the Apple TV.  They've developed the software for a simple but effective, so there's now no excuse to not have the iTunes Store on your Apple TV (I mean, I can buy games directly through my Wii, so the Apple TV should be able to handle the same :-) ).

(Other announcements were the new iPod nano , new GUI and more storage for those and the revamped iPod classic, and some new colours for the iPod shuffle.)

I'm seriously considering migrating my blog over to make use of the new iWeb 08, so here's hoping I get some free time to nail that down soon.  Thanks for reading!

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9/06/2007 11:31:00 a.m.