muzikDEN - Episode 3 (November 2006)
It's been a while since I've posted, but I have a good excuse: several weeks in Sri Lanka filming in a flood and monsoons, a terribly ill editor/cameraman who was out of commission for most of this month's muzikDEN, and a host of other important projects (including a great study on Web 2.0 technologies and trends in the cultural realm - more on that later!). On the upside, my travels have exposed me to a huge number of films to review, but now to the subject at hand... :-)
The third episode of muzikDEN, the monthly vidcast about all things musical, is now up at and! You can also see all episodes to date in the muzikDEN episode category (see lower right of page).
n the third episode of muzikDEN DJ IV & Plaeboi show us around some club gear for DJs; we've got a review of K-Os' new album Atlantis; Jeff Mosher talks to us about being a freelance horn player; Terry Pulliam outlines the basics of monitoring mixes; we consider the effects of rhythm, harmony, and melody on your compositions; and guest host Ryan Gray shares a site that every drummer will love!
You can subscribe to the feeds for each file type below:You can watch muzikDEN directly in your browser or by individual download at and
Our new website should be out in December!
The third episode of muzikDEN, the monthly vidcast about all things musical, is now up at and! You can also see all episodes to date in the muzikDEN episode category (see lower right of page).
n the third episode of muzikDEN DJ IV & Plaeboi show us around some club gear for DJs; we've got a review of K-Os' new album Atlantis; Jeff Mosher talks to us about being a freelance horn player; Terry Pulliam outlines the basics of monitoring mixes; we consider the effects of rhythm, harmony, and melody on your compositions; and guest host Ryan Gray shares a site that every drummer will love!
You can subscribe to the feeds for each file type below:You can watch muzikDEN directly in your browser or by individual download at and
Our new website should be out in December!

11/29/2006 10:55:00 a.m.